New Research Supports Learning Outcomes
Lead4Change Develops Students into Leaders
The Lead4Change Student Leadership Program is excited to share evidence based research highlighting the growth in students’ leadership and social emotional skills. The newly released Program Evaluation Report is now available. As educators blend leadership lessons and service learning into the student experience, we all want to see real change in students. The Foundation for Impact on Literacy and Learning and the Lift a Life Novak Family Foundation share this research study to show clear data on student change and growth. The study considered leadership factors and social emotional learning skills for assessing students before and after completing the Lead4Change Program. We invite you to review and share the findings.
High Impact Partnering conducted an independent evaluation of the Lead4Change Student Leadership Program (formerly Lead2Feed) in the 2018-2019 school year. The evaluation entailed pre- and post-program contrasts of changes in self-assessments of the key outcome areas of leadership for middle- and high-school students who participate in the Lead4Change program, and participant and comparison group contrasts of changes in self-assessments in key outcome areas of leadership over the program period.
A snapshot of the study’s results shown below notes the percentage of students who reported growth and positive change in each factor — all key components of social-emotional development. These ten factors represent the grouping of 78 items students were asked to consider and measure.
- *Overall Leadership60%
- *Self-Efficacy55%
- *Perspective Taking55%
- *Self-Confidence49%
- *Adaptability46%
- *Self-Management50%
- *Motivation40%
- *Commitment to Vision56%
- *Respect for Others54%
- *Ambition & Innovation53%
Forty percent (40%) or more of the 455 participants surveyed from eight national middle and high school sites across the United States showed increases from the start to the end of the program period on all 10 factors.
Also found through the study, the Lead4Change Program participants increased their self-appraisals in key outcome areas of leadership significantly more than comparison students from the same schools who did not participate in the program.
See and download the Executive Summary and full Final Report below. For more information on the Program Evaluation, contact us.
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The executive summary provides a high level overview of the study and key findings. Read online or download a copy here.
Read the Executive SummaryThe full, final report of the program evaluation can be found here. Read online or download a copy. For appendix, white paper or more information, please contact us
Read the Full Report